Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thank you for all the easter chocolates, the bunny baskets, the birthday cards, the christmas cards, the yummy pasta, and remembering small details about me...

RIP Aunt Kay

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Oh hey puppy

Last weekend AEG hosted a BBQ at Sheshan.... By AEG I meant me... I prepared edibles for 50 people and thanks to baby Wang who helped grill all the shit.

There were children and best of all.... Doggies!!!
Check out the coolest dog ever, he knows tricks, he's super obedient , and just a good dog...

Giulia, let's get one?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Take me BACK to NYC pleaseeee

Fact: New York City is the best city in the world I came upon this article from the Village Voice (okay maybe biased) of 50 reasons why... below are my favorites:

47. There is always someone crazier than you. ALWAYS.

43. Bored to Death. 30 Rock. SNL. And a million other things that film here and we love. RIP Law and Order.

38. Drinking is like breathing. Or slightly more acceptable.

36. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, there is someone who will bring it to you for a price, which may or may not be negotiable. (Or legal.)

29. Restaurants are as common as single men and women. And equally diverse. And you never have to see either of them again after the initial awkward encounter.

26. Smart people are the norm, not the exception. (Which doesn't mean they're sane, but at least no one's boring.)

24. When you fly back into the city after a vacation or business trip, no matter how long you've lived here, you get that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling. (So true... i get butterflies thinking about it...)

23. Efficiency in a drugstore checkout line.

20. Yelling "fuck" is just a mild obscenity.

15. The splendor of the Union Square Greenmarket.

10. Subway rage. Bike-lane rage. Walking rage. Random rage. These are our therapy. Although we all go to therapy, too. No judgments! We bitch, therefore we are.

7. Subway "prewalking," in which you walk to the exact right spot on the platform to board the train car that will save you the most time upon exit, exists and has a name. Gotta respect.

1. If you can make it here, you really can make it anywhere. But why would you bother to go anywhere else?


My good friend this morning told me.. "seriously.. only New Yorkers can truly understand New Yorkers". We're fast, smart, patientless, analytical, efficient, etcetcetcetcetc. I suggest everyone to go live in the Big Apple for a couple of years, then the mystery of my personality might be solved for you. New YOrkers are actually proud of our teeny weeny georaphically-speaking home, and only other New Yorkers can understand that. Seriously... why wouldn't you be fucking proud?

" I'm So Glad I Live In New York City and Not in the United States" - RL Stine. AMEN

Monday, May 7, 2012

Why does time even matter? Is it not an illusion anyway, if so why does it often feel so real, and claim so many victims to its rigorous schedule? Heaven on earth is a composite of all memories someone carries, and people who have brought pure happiness and light to our lives; these times to remember evoke bittersweet and unbelievably potent emotion. But though painful, these emotions are what's to be cherished and appreciated most of all.